Propuesta de modelo teórico para el análisis del impacto de los factores culturales y de personalidad en la demanda de servicios turísticos

  1. Araceli Maseda Moreno 1
  2. Ignacio Soret Los Santos 1
  3. José Antonio Vicente Pascual 1
  1. 1 ESIC Business & Marketing School
Esic market

ISSN: 0212-1867

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 157

Pages: 275-313

Type: Article


More publications in: Esic market


To determine the behaviours and motivations of tourists at each of the stages that make up tourist journeys is fundamental for the definition and development of the marketing and marketing strategies of all parties involved in the tourism sector. For this reason, we propose a theoretical model of analysis of the different factors that influence the behaviours and motivations of the tourist. This paper attempts to justify the influence that the culture of a place has upon the configuration of the personality of its inhabitants and whether these personalities give rise to different behaviours and motivations at each stage of the journey. The theoretical model will enable all involved in the tourism sector to identify and prioritise actionable levers, which can be used in their marketing and sales plans, adapting their value proposition through mass customisation, on the basis of segmentation. This proposal for a theoretical model will determine the relational strategy to be followed with tourists and will enable it to be more profitable in the long term, by developing value for tourists and being more efficient with the available resources.

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