¿Es necesario un nuevo Marqués de Foronda?Perspectivas de actuación

  1. Vázquez Hoehne, Antonio 1
  2. Rodríguez de Castro, Ayar 1
  1. 1 E. T. S. I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, UPM
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica

ISSN: 0210-8577

Any de publicació: 2017

Número: 152

Pàgines: 239-262

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica


Isotoponymy (two or more identical names) in municipalities used to be a great concern in 1916 in Spain, as it generated problems in some specific sectors as, for example, postal delivery. In this context, Marquis of Foronda fostered the approval of a Royal Decree to avoid the existence of identical names for Spanish municipalities. This work analyzes the scope of this RD as well as the current situation of isotoponymy in Spain. It is considered that isotoponymy may be a serious problem (e.g. in municipalities) or a trivial situation (e.g. spots) depending on the type of geographical entity. In this work, some keys to understand and address the resolution of isotoponymy problems are proposed. Specific isotoponymic problems in settlements, roads, reservoirs, geodesic vertexes and other relevant case studies are analyzed in depth.

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