Reescrituras globales en torno a la (homo) sexualidadel caso de ‘Mine vaganti’ de Özpetek
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2174-047X, 2254-1756
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 9
Pages: 39-50
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios de traducción
In this study we attempt to approach the phenomenon of the globalization of minority sexual identities from the perspective of Translation Studies. In view of the recent views on the active role of rewriting in transnational communication, and taking into account the theoretical foundations that analyze in depth the processes of globalization of different LGBTIQ identity profiles, we study in this research the specific case of the film Loose Cannons, by the Italian-Turkish director Ferzan Özpetek, and its translation into Spanish. Our aim is to find out what translation solutions have been used to shape the gay characters that are portrayed, and at the same time to observe the consequences of those linguistic choices in the creation of the identities shown on the screen.
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