Sobre creo (que) subjetivo (e intensificador) en las sesiones de debate parlamentario

  1. Soler Bonafont, María Amparo 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Textos en proceso: Revista de Lengua y Lingüística del Español

ISSN: 2001-967X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 61-92

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17710/TEP.2018.4.1.4SOLERBONAFONT DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Textos en proceso: Revista de Lengua y Lingüística del Español

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This paper presents a behavioral analysis of the doxastic form creo (que) as a subjectification modal verb, specifically in its manifestation as a pragmatic intensifier device in a Spanish parliamentary debate. Previous work on creo (que) has suggested that it is indeed an intensifier (Fuentes 2010, Brenes 2015, Cuenca 2015), although many pragmatic approaches to these doxastic verbal forms, not only in the context of Spanish (Hennemann 2012; Albelda, Briz, Cestero, Kotwica y Villalba 2014) but also from other languages (Lakoff 1972; Hooper 1975; Lysvag 1975; Fraser 1975, 1980; Holmes 1984; Caffi 1999, 2004), have classified creo (que) as a marker of attenuation. The goal of this investigation is to show a comprehensive description of the behavior of creo (que) in a Spanish parliamentary debate, especially focused on its development as a an intensifier. Using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, the preselected doxastic form creo (que) is analyzed from a corpus of 351,888 words. Factors considered include formal features, meaning, aspects of face and other discourse features, with the purpose of providing a detailed explanation of the pragmatic procedure of creo (que).

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