Advergaming y viajesuso del juego interactivo para la promoción de servicios turísticos

  1. Garrido Pintado, Pablo
Actas II Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital: espacios para la interactividad y la inmersión
  1. García García, Francisco (dir. congr.)
  2. Gértrudix Barrio, Manuel (coord.)
  3. Gértrudix Barrio, Felipe (coord.)

Publisher: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-939077-5-4

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 2

Pages: 863-876

Congress: Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital (2. 2011. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The development of online-games and the mental condition created when interacting these types of systems, is attracting the attention of online travel agencies and advertisers, who use this kind of media more and more frequently as a platform for marketing and communication to promote a product, organisation or idea. This phenomenon, called advergaming, permits access to an objective audience in an advertising context less saturated than the rest of media, associating the value of a brand with leisure and entertainment. It is a fact that big companies not only try to appear in popular videogames, but - in order to generate a brand image, create segmented databases and launch new products - they create their own games, which arc promoted in social networks and thematic portals. The tourist sector as well is involved in this phenomenon and frequently includes advergaming as a publicity tool to launch new products or support campaigns in other media.