El águila grisPolicía política contra obreros y estudiantes bajo la dictadura franquista en Asturias y Madrid (1956-1976)

  1. Alcántara Pérez, Pablo
Supervised by:
  1. Álvaro Soto Carmona Director
  2. Fernando Hernández Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 30 October 2020

  1. Pedro A. Martínez Lillo Chair
  2. Pilar Díaz Sánchez Secretary
  3. Ricardo Martín de la Guardia Committee member
  4. Ángeles González Fernández Committee member
  5. Juan Andrade Blanco Committee member

Type: Thesis


During the Franco regime, repression was one of the fundamental pillars for maintaining the stability of the regime. Within this repressive apparatus, the Brigada Político Social (BPS), the political police of the eFranco regime, played a relevant role, especially during the equatorial and final years of the dictatorship. The hypothesis of my doctoral thesis is to demonstrate the importance of the BPS within the repressive structure, its methods of action, which did not depend on what the police were like, but on methods and strategies studied by the agents themselves, their foreign influences from other police forces around the world. See what happened to the members of this police force from the dictatorship to democracy during the Transition. To do this, I have decided to focus on two regions where the opposition to the dictatorship played a very relevant role: Madrid, the capital of the country, centre of most of the Francoist organisations and where most of the anti-Francoist organisations were created, and Asturias, where the historical role of the workers' movement once again played a significant role in confronting the regime. I study the trajectory of the most relevant agents in these two regions to learn about the different types of police that existed throughout the forty years of dictatorship. And I delimit the periods of action of these police officers: the 40's, a time of repression and misery, the mid 50's, a time when the opposition to Franco's regime reappears, the 60's, where the police will have to face important social mobilizations and the last years of Franco's regime, where police repression increases as the dictatorship dies. Finally, a review of what the Transition was like within the police