Prognostic factors for relapse in stage I seminoma: A new nomogram derived from three consecutive, risk-adapted studies from the Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Group (SGCCG)

  1. Aparicio, J.
  2. Maroto, P.
  3. García del Muro, X.
  4. Sánchez-Muñoz, A.
  5. Gumà, J.
  6. Margelí, M.
  7. Sáenz, A.
  8. Sagastibelza, N.
  9. Castellano, D.
  10. Arranz, J.A.
  11. Hervás, D.
  12. Bastús, R.
  13. Fernández-Aramburo, A.
  14. Sastre, J.
  15. Terrasa, J.
  16. López-Brea, M.
  17. Dorca, J.
  18. Almenar, D.
  19. Carles, J.
  20. Hernández, A.
  21. Germà, J.R.
Annals of Oncology

ISSN: 1569-8041 0923-7534

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 25

Issue: 11

Pages: 2173-2178

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1093/ANNONC/MDU437 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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