Por una museología desquiciada

  1. Collu, Cristiana
Dirigée par:
  1. Laura Arias Serrano Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 janvier 2021

  1. María Antonia Raquejo Grado President
  2. Ignacio Estella Noriega Secrétaire
  3. Alicia Herrero Delavenay Rapporteur
  4. Jesús Pedro Lorente Lorente Rapporteur
  5. María Villalba Salvador Rapporteur
  1. Historia del Arte

Type: Thèses


Many theories and scientific methods are currently undergoing a thorough review process. In this framework, and after devoting more than twenty years to museological practice, I have come to realize how critically important it is to conduct an in-depth research study in order to open new horizons for contemporary museology. Therefore, my work is a vibrant plea for an out of joint museological experience, whose effects are the mismatch of tradition and the disarticulation of established conventions in the field of museum studies. New ways of interpreting art history in all of its specialties must be inaugurated, favoring new transversal and multidisciplinary approaches, as well as establishing a permanent dialogue with the public.For this purpose, I have based my study on heterogeneous experiences and materials. They have been collected throughout the systematic exploration of a museological model performed in the first person at four Italian institutions –MAN, Mart, ISRE and GNAM–, which have provided concrete examples of the innovative decisions made in the exercise of my profession. In this way, my proposal serves as the meeting point between an ex post reflection on professional practice and, on this basis, the critical elaboration of new museological principles...