Propuesta de validación de la homogeneidad de un modelo de rúbrica de evaluación del TFG en el grado de enfermería de la UCM

  1. Diago Sánchez, Ivan
Dirigée par:
  1. Ramón del Gallego Lastra Directeur
  2. Enrique Pacheco del Cerro Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 janvier 2021

  1. Alfonso Meneses Monroy President
  2. Yolanda García Álvarez Secrétaire
  3. Juan Manuel Arribas Marín Rapporteur
  4. Raquel Herrera Espada Rapporteur
  5. Esther García García Rapporteur
  1. Enfermería

Type: Thèses


The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) promotes a change in teaching-learning methodologies, which focuses on the student to develop the necessary skills and facilitates the harmonization of university systems. One of the changes promoted within the EHEA is reflected in a student-centered evaluation process, as well as the teaching-learning process. Another change introduced in the implementation of the EHEA, is the need for the official bachelor’s teachings to conclude with the preparation and defense of an End-of-Degree Project (EDP), aimed at evaluating competencies associated with the degree. The evaluation of the EDP in the Nursing Degree at UCM, a subject in which a large number of professors participate for the tutoring of the autonomous work carried out by the students, is carried out through the use of a rubric, detailed in the Regulations of the subject made available to students and teachers at the beginning of each academic year. The process of elaboration of the evaluation rubric begins in the academic year 2010-2011 and has been revised in successive academic years, developing a new rubric in the 2014-2015 academic year, for which it is necessary to confirm whether it allows a homogeneous evaluation in which the student is not affected depending on who performs the evaluation. The process of validating the homogeneity in the response of different evaluators, has to be carried out in a context in which there is no widely agreed methodology for this verification; Authors who have addressed reviews of studies in which some type of inter-rater reliability analysis is reported, include different evaluation methodologies, such as the percentage of agreement, Cohen's Kappa or the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) among others less frequent. This analysis can be carried out for each evaluation criteria used, to identify those criteria that present less homogeneity compared to other criteria that make up the rubric, so as to identify those criteria that may need to be reviewed in a process of continuous improvement of the evaluation tool to ensure the quality of the process and equal opportunities for the students who are evaluated...