Evaluación de los efectos del vendaje neuromuscular sobre la columna toraco-lumbar del caballodeterminación de umbrales nociceptivos mecánicos y variaciones de temperatura superficial

  1. García Piqueres, Marta
Supervised by:
  1. Paloma Forés Jackson Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2021

  1. Francisco Javier López San Román Chair
  2. Isabel Santiago Llorente Secretary
  3. Cristina Riber Pérez Committee member
  4. Ana Muñoz Juzado Committee member
  5. David Argüelles Capilla Committee member
  1. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

Type: Thesis


The physical demands of current sport standards, together with performance enhancingdrug controls, have led to the incorporation of physiotherapy as an adjunctive treatment in the medical-surgical approach to musculoskeletalpathologies of the horse, particularly in the back region. Physiotherapy offers non-invasive and non-pharmacological techniques that include dynamic rehabilitation to improve functionality, prevent injuries and optimise the horse’s physical potential..