Diagnósticos de enfermería NANDA y evolución de resultados NOC en personas colostomizadas e ileostomizadas en seguimiento en una unidad de ostomías

  1. Perez Garcia, Santiago
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Luis Villarino Marin Director
  2. Enrique Pacheco del Cerro Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 18 January 2021

  1. Ramón del Gallego Lastra Chair
  2. Jacinto Gómez Higuera Secretary
  3. Gracia Maria Gonzalez Romero Committee member
  4. María Paloma Rodríguez Gómez Committee member
  5. María de las Mercedes Gómez del Pulgar García-Madrid Committee member
  1. Enfermería

Type: Thesis


The person who has a digestive elimination ostomy has his lifestyle altered as a result of aggressive surgery due to a generally serious illness. Being a carrier of serious illness causes a problem both physically and technically in the stoma, as well as emotionally and in the relationship life. There are no reliable censuses of the number of ostomy patients, although some authors calculate that in Spain there are some 100.000 ostomy people, with 15.000 new cases each year. The objective of techno-scientific medicine is to study the cause of the disease, create a diagnosis and propose a treatment. However, nursing care is focused on the problems, deficits or disabilities that people have in their health experiences, holistically. The Stomatherapy nurse specialist is the professional who develops specialized care so that the person can adapt to their new way of life. This Advanced Practice Nurse manages the care of these patients both during their hospitalization and in the follow-up after discharge. For more than a decade, there has been a need for these nurses to adapt to new management models and define their activity in terms of results. For this you must control your own information, as well as the measurement of your actions and results...