Biometrics of the sporangia and spores of the "Parablechnum cordatum" complex (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida)

  1. Wal, Aleksandra Patrjcia 1
  2. Molino, Sonia 1
  3. Murciano, Antonio 1
  4. Prada, Carmen 1
  5. Gabriel y Galán, José María 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Botanica complutensis

ISSN: 0214-4565

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 45

Pages: 91-100

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/BOCM.73655 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Botanica complutensis

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"Parablechnum" is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickness of the arcus, number of cells in the arcus, number of cells in the hypostome and major equatorial diameter of the spore have statisticalParablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickness of the arcus, number of cells in the arcus, number of cells in the hypostome and major equatorial diameter of the spore have statistically supported taxonomic significance and are therefore useful for species separation.

Funding information

We thank the herbarium of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (US) for the Cuat-recasas grant that allowed us to obtain some of the material, as well as the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden (NY), which also offered funding for the visit to its facilities. The Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Santander partially supported this research through the founding of a project (PR87/19-22616).


    • PR87/19-22616

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