Curso de parasitología (1970-1971)León, 25 de enero de 1971

  1. José Marín Sánchez Murillo
  2. Valentín Pérez Bermejo
  3. Marta Vivas Martín
  4. Rafael Calero Bernal
  5. Rafael Calero Carretero
Libro de actas del XXIII Congreso Nacional y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria: Badajoz, 27 y 28 de octubre de 2017
  1. Calero Bernal, Rafael (dir.)

Publisher: Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Badajoz

ISBN: 978-84-697-6774-0

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 415-418

Congress: Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Veterinaria (23. 2017. Badajoz)

Type: Conference paper


The picture shows the people who attended (teachers and students) to the Parasitology course celebrated in the Faculty of Veterinary of Leon in a key date between the implementation of the Ministry Order of September 25th, 1967, in which a new plan was approved, it merged Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in the third year of the career, and the Resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 26th, 1973 (BOE of September 25th) In which the plan is structured in two cycles of teaching, as in all Faculties and Superior Schools, passing from Parasitology to basic year (3rd year) and Parasitic Diseases to the second cycle (4th year).