Formación del pintor y práctica de la pintura en los reinos hispanos (1350-1500). El Retablo de Santiago en la Capilla Luna de la Catedral de Toledo

  1. Matilde Miquel
  2. Carmen Vega
  3. Marisa Gómez
  4. Ana Albar
  5. Tomás Antelo
  6. Miriam Bueso
  7. Olga Pérez Monzón
La Ciencia y el Arte: ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Verlag: Ministerio de Cultura

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Titel des Bandes: La Ciencia y el Arte V. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Ausgabe: 5

Seiten: 250-266

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The research project «Artist training and painting practice in the hispanic kingdoms (1350-1500)» (HAR2012-32720) aims to further our understanding of the training process of the painters of the Gothic period from the artistic and social point of view. This project will address both the characteristics of learning contracts and every issue related to the practice of painting in the workshops in late medieval Spain, in order to unify criteria and documented artistic techniques, and contrast with the scientific analysis of the works art obtained preserved today. The research project formed by specialists in history, history of art, restauration, heritage, technical analysis of physical, chemical, and image, it has been decided to unify criteria and combine efforts focus on the study of the retable of don Álvaro de Luna, preserved in the chapel of Santiago in the Cathedral Primada of Toledo, from which detailed the procedures followed, working methods and preliminary findings.