La derrota del conde de Alcaudete en Mostaganem (1558)

  1. Ricardo González Castrillo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, España
Revista de historia militar

ISSN: 0482-5748

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakia: 119

Orrialdeak: 175-216

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de historia militar


The Library of the Monastery of El Escorial (BME) keeps a manuscript of eight folios, with letter of the sixteenth century, wich it was written by anonymous author, sign. V-II-3, about expedition Martín Alonso Fernández de Córdoba Montemayor y Velasco, first count of Alcaudete. He led this expedition against Mostaganem in the year 1558, whose transcription is incorporated as an appendix to this study. The story of the events described in the manuscript has the value of having been referred by someone who took part directly in such action. It comes, therefore, to join other sources that narrate this action, fateful for the Spanish weapons, with which establish analogies and differences, highlighting the most significant contributions of the Escorial manuscript.