Cómo la publicidad está cambiando la forma de crear engagementestudio de las campañas integradas del Festival el Sol de 2015 y 2016
- Carretero Velasco, María José 1
- Rangel Pérez, Celia 1
- 1 ESIC Business & Marketing School
ISSN: 1885-365X
Año de publicación: 2018
Título del ejemplar: "Engagement": el compromiso en Comunicación y Humanidades
Número: 14
Páginas: 65-85
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Comunicación y hombre: Revista interdisciplinar de ciencias de la comunicación y humanidades
The evolution that current advertising is experiencing, with new resources, omni-channel strategies and a better measurement capability, can also be appreciated in the creation of new methods to effect engagement. The companies have understood the need to earn credibility and to accept the new role of communication defined in the Cluetrain Manifesto, and have banked on non-conventional methods, including both the consumer and the streets in their strategies and generating a dialogue with them, so as to achieve such engagement. The integration of new marketing areas, the new communication tools, as well as those of innovation and strategic planning, are trends in the new and necessary connection with the consumer.
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