Mario Medina Seguí, compositor murciano del s. XX (1908-2000)

  1. Montoro Bermejo, Amparo Dolores
  1. Juan Miguel González Martínez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 21

  1. José Antonio Gómez Rodríguez Presidentea
  2. Elena Torres Clemente Idazkaria
  3. Pilar Ramos López Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The work shown/hosted implies a first scientific approximation about the life and life's work of the Murcian composer Mario Medina Seguí (1908-2000), within the Spanish historical musical context of the 20th century. He's such a prolific musician with more than three hundred and fifty works of different genders and styles. This study is organized into three lines of research: a) creative and biographical chronologies, treated in both socio-historical and musical contexts; b) the generic classification of his work together with the deep analysis of his musical specific production; and c) his career path after analyzing the most significant works of his musical creation. The methodology which has been used is the historical investigation itself: the analitical- synthetical, combined with the chronological and geographic sub methods, according to the different areas of investigation about the aim studied. Rebuilding an historical celebrity's biography, such as the Murcian composer Mario Medina, has required a detailed research of information about his biography and musical work that once have been verified and properly index, give out an essential basis of analysis that contributes to the development of the module of the expected investigation. Applying the precise interpretation of the results obtained to this particular relay of the person aim of study, according to the geographic, chronological and circumstantial context of the historical items taken place, it can be worked out an specific profile of Mario Medina, as a composer of an historical time. To deal with his musical work I have used first of all a chronological print-out within his biography, taking advantage of the relation life-historical context and its global consequence in Medina's work. A global perspective with which it is easier to afford a musical profile that may characterize this Murcian composer into his time's surrounding. Finally, it is added a roster of his musical production (the first one ever made of Mario Medina's work) from which a global analytic approach can be drawn by genders as well as an approximation to his stylistics strong points. In short, the work presented makes up a first formal investigation about Mario Medina's life and labor and an approach to his stylistic career path. A starting point that hopefully, will be followed by many other works that will be developed over the initial bases exposed in this investigation. Many of the biographical and professional facts of the Murcian musician are open to a monographic blow up, to consent his figure and most of all, to his compositive creation (not very known nor studied) the historical recognition that his witness in the Spanish musical world os the past century and his deep work deserve.