Cultura del exceso, lo fragmentario, y lo inestableun espacio de castigo germen de producción artística
Universidad de Zaragoza
ISSN: 2659-7721
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Puntos y contrapuntos. Cuerpos e identidades
Issue: 3
Pages: 189-200
Type: Article
More publications in: Afluir: revista de investigación y creación artística
The famous semiologist and art critic Omar Calabrese promoted in 1989 the neo-baroque concept as that methodological space that privileges the presence of the embodied body in our contemporaneity exploring a space of symbolic articulation, where behavior, identity, gender and the relationship between public / private space coexist and thrive. Radical artistic production that uses the body as an object and space for punishment usually shows wounds, burns and amputations. At times sordid and reprehensible spaces and actions of dark acts are shown. Whether any of them are performances, documentation from them, or graphic production it self, this text addresses the underlying relationship between the action, the print or the image, and the way the work is presented to the public. As well as the cohabitation between work and life of some artists. In this sense, complications are generated in what involves discerning whether the artistic object of a work lies in an action itself, in the careful documentary work that is generated from those actions or in the graphic production that testify experiences of an individual. This work delves into the artistic production that oscillates between the documentation provided of an action or experience itself, and the meaning of these testimonies regarding the life of its author. Each of these aspects feeds the other, jointly creating a solid and indissoluble artistic body.
Bibliographic References
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