Comunicación política, diplomacia y opinión pública en las relaciones hispano-británicas (1624-1635)

  1. Alvarez Garcia, Beatriz
Supervised by:
  1. Bernardo José García García Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 November 2020

  1. Fernando Bouza Chair
  2. Santiago Martínez Hernández Secretary
  3. Diana Carrió Invernizzi Committee member
  4. Glyn Redworth Committee member
  5. Yolanda Rodríguez Pérez Committee member
  1. Historia Moderna e Historia Contemporánea

Type: Thesis


Over the period 1625-1635 there was a sustained instability throughout Europe, due to various conflicts, both major and minor, that devastated it, which had also effects on a global scale. Although the Anglo-Spanish War of 1625-1630 was a secondary conflict in the scheme of others, such as the Thirty Years’ War, it was not without importance. The analysis of the conflict shows that, although minor, it posed a potential threat to Spain’s stability, given the danger of it being formalised into larger geopolitical alliances through international coalitions. Uncovering the strategies to unite security, reputation and neutrality became a fundamental aspect of Spain’s international policy, which was articulated through its diplomatic agents...