Importancia y relevancia clínico-patológica de la profundidad de invasión tumoral en los estadios clínicos iniciales del carcinoma epidermoide lingual

  1. Navarro Cuellar, Ignacio Javier
Dirixida por:
  1. Miguel Burgueño García Director
  2. Carlos León Martín Pascual Navarro Vila Director
  3. C. Navarro Cuéllar Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 de xullo de 2021

  1. Francisco Javier Vaquero Martin Presidente
  2. José Ignacio Salmerón Escobar Secretario
  3. Fernando Almeida Parra Vogal
  4. Ramón Galán Hernández Vogal
  5. José Luis Cebrián Carretero Vogal
  1. Cirugía

Tipo: Tese


Oral tongue is defined as the anterior two thirds of the lingual organ, being important to differentiate it from the tongue base, which is part of the oropharynx. This nuance is important since the staging, dissemination vias and treatment of tumors that settle in these locations differ between both anatomical regions.Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity represents 3% of all malignant tumors in the body and is more frequent in male patients over 65 years of age. The incidence and mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 8.3 and 2.8 in Europe and 9.3 and 2.4 in Spain. The relative survival rate in Europe is 71% and 46% per year and 5 years respectively.The clinical presentation of tongue SCC is usually through ulcers, exophytic lesions or submucosal neoplasms. It is considered an infiltrative tumor when carcinomas depth of invasion is more than 1mm deep from the basal membrane...