Del lienzo a la pantalla digitalla experiencia del museo en la era de la intermediación electrónica

  1. Da Rocha Carlos Matos, Carolina
Supervised by:
  1. Cecília Carrossini Bezerra Cavalcanti Director
  2. Concha Casajús Quirós Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 February 2021

  1. José Luis Sánchez Noriega Chair
  2. Alicia Fuentes Vega Secretary
  3. Solange Ferranz de Lima Committee member
  4. Pablo R. Prieto Dávila Committee member
  5. Giselle Beiguelman Committee member
  1. Historia del Arte

Type: Thesis


In spite of the traditional methods of historical and cultural heritage collection and conservation, the communication of the past time through its exhibition is perhaps the greatest legacy that can be left for humanity. Until the end of the 20th century, memory technologies were limited to the use of analogue media as a support for the transmission of past, such as archives, writing, photography, and later the cinema. With the arrival of the new millennium and the growing presence of the digital format in the cultural sphere, memory management began to rely on the administration of numerical files and databases, to the detriment of the usual manipulation of physical objects. In today's museums and cultural institutions, the rapid development of a variety of technologies designed to mediate the contact of the contemporary visitor with their collections provokes a forceful reconfiguration in the usual kinds of representation...