Las mujeres y demás cuerpos gestantes de alquiler como debate feminista

  1. Triguero Alcántara, Bárbara
Supervised by:
  1. Beatriz Moncó Rebollo Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 January 2021

  1. Almudena Cortés Maisonave Chair
  2. Magdalena Suárez Ojeda Secretary
  3. Virginia Fusco Committee member
  4. Rosa Cobo Bedía Committee member
  5. María Dolores González Guardiola Committee member
  1. Antropología Social y Psicología Social

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 155506 DIALNET


The fusion of the patriarchal with the capitalist system has worsened gender oppressions along socio-economic lines and other power structures imposed by these systems. Body and sexuality have been key issues for the system of patriarchal domination that, by the hand of capitalism, have objectified, first of all, the bodies and their identities of any social group that does not stick to socially accepted rules: women, trans people and non-binary people and, more abruptly, all these people with various characteristics that hinder this social acceptance such as the class, sexual identity, ethnicity or origin, age, or functional diversity, among others...