La política migratoria de la Unión Europea hacia terceros estados en materia de integración y retorno, estudio de casoLa inmigración colombiana en España

  1. Niño Cubillos, Javier Ignacio
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Bernabé Fraguas Director
  2. Concepción Anguita Olmedo Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 27 January 2021

  1. Rafael Calduch Cervera Chair
  2. Paloma González del Miño Secretary
  3. Carlos Javier Gonzalez Villa Committee member
  4. Emiliano García Coso Committee member
  5. M. Victoria Campos Zabala Committee member
  1. Relaciones Internacionales e Historia Global

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis studies the migration policy of the European Union for third States in two areas: integration and return. Therefore, in the first place, this matter is examined in the acquis communautaire, to identify the extent to which progress has been made in a common commitment and which factors have influenced the reluctance of the Member States to give up sovereignty in the control of immigration.Therefore, it starts from the moment in which restrictions on immigration are proposed at the community level and a construction of migration policy begins. The starting point that has been identified is the economic crisis of 1973 and the formation of the Trevi Group, from which a timeline is built until March 2020, a period in which human mobility is restricted internationally by the Pandemic. Period in which the influence of relevant historical events on immigration policies is demonstrated...