Actitudes hacia la Unión Europea en la Europa Central y Orientalla importancia del contexto nacional

  1. Gutierrez Espinosa, Javier
Dirigée par:
  1. Rubén Ruiz Ramas Directeur/trice
  2. Mercedes Cabrera Calvo-Sotelo Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 janvier 2021

  1. María Esther del Campo García President
  2. Fabio García Lupato Secrétaire
  3. Asier Blas Mendoza Rapporteur
  4. Carmen González Enríquez Rapporteur
  5. Jesús de Andrés Sanz Rapporteur
  1. Historia, Teorías y Geografía Políticas

Type: Thèses


The EU is in one of the most difficult moments in its history. Different crises have clouded the European integration process, fueling the phenomenon of “Euroscepticism” that, among other things, is behind the United Kingdom's exit from the EU. Practically no country has been left out of this phenomenon, which has also manifested itself in the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Citizen attitudes towards the EU have aroused the interest of social researchers in recent decades, especially those related to opposition to the European project. This has resulted in dozens of theorizing about its causes. The utilitarian and identity approaches stand out among all of them, but certain recent political developments show that they have lost explanatory power. The Benchmark Theory, formulated by Catherine de Vries, is a response to the changing nature of citizens' attitudes towards the EU...