Ingeniería social estadounidense a través de cortometrajes educativos infantiles en España(1945-1968)

  1. Mayagoitia Soria, Ana Martha
Supervised by:
  1. Julio Montero Díaz Director
  2. María Antonia Paz Rebollo Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 07 May 2021

  1. María Dolores Cáceres Zapatero Chair
  2. Francisco Segado-Boj Secretary
  3. Antonio Sánchez-Escalonilla Committee member
  4. Carmen Marta Lazo Committee member
  5. Mario Ignacio Rajas Fernandez Committee member
  1. Periodismo y Comunicación Global

Type: Thesis


Educational short films are productions whose main purpose is to instruct. These typesof films, that born alongside the cinematograph, had as main objective to clarify technical and scientific issues. It was since the Second World War that these films were used to influence the ideology and behavior of society. The United States learned how to use these short films as a social engineering tool, and by the end of the war and having realized the power of influence that these productions could have in society, production houses, government agencies, and specialists created and disseminated educational films on practically any subject. During the post-war era, the educational short films that played a special role were those of social nature. It was through them that people were re-educated society on social, hygiene, and ideological affairs. These productions were distributed both in the United States and abroad, and although their objectives were modified over the years, they always sought to spread the American idiosyncrasy and culture. In the case of Spain, the distribution channels for these productions were the United States Information Agency -known as USIA-, the Casa Americana in Spain, and the Cinemateca Educativa Nacional...