Génesis y armoníala enfermedad y su terapia en el "Timeo"

  1. García Fernández, Alicia
Supervised by:
  1. Julio Seoane Pinilla Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 25 April 2013

  1. Serafín Vegas González Chair
  2. Francisco Castilla Urbano Secretary
  3. Juan Arnau Navarro Committee member
  4. Gabriele Cornelli Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aetiology of the disease appears in the Timaeus as complementary and perfectly compatible with the physic and physiologic principles established at the beginning of the cosmologic part of the dialogue. This highlights that Plato’s concern resides in clarifying the physical principles that constitute the end cause to disease. Within this context, desire appears as the agent responsible for the lack of proportion between body and soul, and even within the different parts that integrate the soul. In-depth research of the texts that refer to sperm allow the explanation of how the conception of disease held by Plato may be understood from myth, cosmology and physiology.