La imprenta en Puebla de los Ángeles1640-1815

  1. Escobedo Romero, Juan
Supervised by:
  1. Ubaldo Cerezo Rubio Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 18 November 2011

  1. Gloria Rokiski Lázaro Chair
  2. Mónica Izquierdo Alonso Secretary
  3. Gloria-Celia Carrizo Sainero Committee member
  4. Luis Miguel Moreno Fernández Committee member
  5. Luis Villén Rueda Committee member

Type: Thesis


This is a bibliographical research about the print matter at the time of printing manual for the City of Puebla de los Ángeles in the period from 1640 to 1815. The background to this research topic back to the early work of Juan Jose de Eguiara y Eguren in the eighteenth and José Mariano Beristain de Souza in the nineteenth century, and later to the work of Jose Toribio Medina about printe matter of Puebla published in the twentieth century, this being one of the fundamental work for the development of the thesis, this work of Medina was complement with the work of Felipe Teixidor to 1940, who try the same methodology used by Medina, thus achieving another of the works created essential for those investigating the prints of Puebla, all these bibliographers have made the bibliographic treatment of prints of City of Puebla, but none of them focuses on the description of the forms using the material bibliography and methodology to develop ‘tipobibliografías’, this theory and technique are the primary basis of this thesis research. These workers join others who have noted the importance of printing in Puebla and its forms, but never studied and described specifically, this research has taken up the serious and scientific way possible all the contributions of these important bibliographers and its main result is the attainment by applying the aforementioned techniques, a query and analysis tool that allows today have a clearer understanding of the prints universe of the city of Puebla providing more detail in the description and obtaining a more precise control and proper record of these printed matter forms, which is manifest in the repertoire, which is the central core of this thesis. Among the conclusions drawn from this research are those related to current research in this area which is developing, in addition to another order of importance are the findings about the nature of printed material from the manual workshops of the City of Puebla during 1640 to 1815, likewise has been able to map the location of the vast majority of existing forms in public libraries in four countries: Chile, Spain, Unites States of America and Mexico has managed to characterize the development of the making of form through his description and registration within a time frame, and finally the research has been able to conclude the existence of small runs of rare prints and other unique.