Papel de la pseudoquinasa Tribbles 3 en cáncer de mamaestudios mecanísticos e implicaciones en el pronóstico del subtipo luminal

  1. Orea Soufi, Alba
Supervised by:
  1. M. Mar Lorente Pérez Director
  2. Guillermo Velasco Díez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 July 2021

  1. Aranzazu Sanchez Muñoz Chair
  2. María Begoña García Álvarez Secretary
  3. José Miguel Lizcano de Vega Committee member
  4. Wolfgang Link Committee member
  5. Maria Muñoz Caffarel Committee member
  1. Bioquímica y Biología Molecular

Type: Thesis


Breast cancer (BC) is the most common type of cancer in women. Numerous studies have characterized the molecular processes involved in breast cancer development and have allowed the identification of prognostic biomarkers that have led to the implementation of new more selective therapies. Despite these advances, BC remains as the leading cause of death associated with cancer in women in most countries. BC is a very heterogeneous pathology that is classified according to different molecular markers, being the most frequent tumor subtype luminal breast cancer, characterized by the expression of the estrogen receptor and various cytokeratins characteristic of the luminal epithelial cells that constitute the mammary ducts. TRIB3 is a pseudokinase that belongs to the family of Tribbles proteins and whose dysregulation has been implicated in the development of different pathologies, including cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Specifically in cancer, it has been proposed that TRIB3 can play a pro- or antitumor role depending on the cellular context. Specifically in breast cancer, the existing literature is scarce and inconclusive...