Seguridad energética en las relaciones entre Europa y Rusia

  1. Luna García de la Infanta, Margareta
Supervised by:
  1. Adolfo Calatrava García Director
  2. Concepción Anguita Olmedo Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 January 2021

  1. Paloma González del Miño Chair
  2. José Miguel Calvillo Cisneros Secretary
  3. Jaroslav Usiak Committee member
  4. Manuel J. Gazapo Lapayese Committee member
  5. Vicente Garrido Rebolledo Committee member
  1. Relaciones Internacionales e Historia Global

Type: Thesis


The intention of this thesis is to study Energy Security between Russia and Europe within the Regional Energy Security Complex and the Regional Energy Security Community. The building of the Nord Stream gas pipeline is a much-medialized topic. The project of the Nord Stream 2 represents a gas pipeline heading under the Baltic Sea from Russian Federation to Germany, where several European companies co-operate or are co-owners. This topic constitutes an interesting theme for investigation because energy security is considered a security issue. Moreover, the Speech act theory is used for analysis of the illocutionary speech acts of the policymakers for securitisation and desecuritisation of the Nord Stream one and Nord Stream two pipelines.