Diseño de biomateriales para regeneración ósea basados en andamios y nanopartículas de vidrio mesoporoso enriquecidos con zinc y/o osteostatina y células madre mesenquimales

  1. Heras Rubio, Clara
  1. Antonio Jesús Salinas Sánchez Zuzendaria
  2. Sandra Sanchez Salcedo Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 12

  1. Isabel Izquierdo Barba Presidentea
  2. Daniel Lozano Borregón Idazkaria
  3. J. Esteban Kidea
  4. María Paz de la Torre Merino Kidea
  5. Pedro Esbrit Argüelles Kidea
  1. Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas

Mota: Tesia


The skeletal system is an essential part of the body and is formed by bones. Each bone constitutes an organ formed by different tissues that interrelate to make the system work properly. Each bone that makes up the organism, undergoes a constant process of formation-resorption, which must be kept in balance for the system to function properly.The integrity and functioning of the skeletal system begin to degenerate, slowly and progressively from the age of 30. Today's society, which is becoming progressively older, presents bone problems, in an increasingly recurring manner, such as different types of pathologies and/or fractures, which need to be treated as effectively as possible...