Aproximación iuspublicista y normalizada a los edificios inteligentes en el marco del nuevo urbanismo datificado y algoritmizado
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1139-4978
Año de publicación: 2021
Título del ejemplar: Los campus universitarios desde el urbanismo: reflexiones y respuestas
Año: 55
Número: 343
Páginas: 155-207
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente
The smartness equates to the capability of the Building to gather relevant and timely knowledge in order to render new services by processing the local data produced by the building itself or obtained from the environment, either from the city or from other internal objects. In doing so, this work seeks first to draw the Smart Building legal framework, or where appropriate, the lack of such a framework, and get insights on those aspects subject to standardisation. The main features of the new data-driven and algorithmized urbanism will be matter of analysis in order to distil individual and collective impacts. Such comprehensive in each of the eight Pilots awarded by the Public Call of Smart Buildings under the Spanish National Plan of Smart Territories 2017, where common the feature shared by those Pilots is providing selected Buildings with smartness and interoperability to get them connected as IoT nodes with the Smart City.
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