Masificar el espacio en la escultura contemporánea
Publisher: MusicoGuia
ISBN: 978-84-09-22970-3
Year of publication: 2020
Pages: 174-177
Congress: Conference Proceedings CIVAE (2. 2020. null)
Type: Conference paper
With this communication we want to show how there is a contemporary artistic trend that tends to generate a massification of space. This trend is reflected in the works as the air can be hardened and solidified in various ways, materials or techniques. The sculpture is traditionally solid in itself, but it is a specific volume that has been created for this purpose and in this trend it seeks something different, it shows as a sculpture a solid space destined to be included in a specific volume or to belong to a more general space. Several artists have seen a possibility of playing with that space that previously either bypassed an object or was part of its interior space, with conglomerating materials or objects they manage to massify the space.