Magnetic microbeads-based immunoscaffold for the amperometric determination of an emerging metastasis cancer biomarker

  1. C. Muñoz-San Martín 1
  2. M. Gamella 1
  3. M. Pedrero 1
  4. M. Garranzo-Asensio 2
  5. R. Barderas 2
  6. S. Campuzano 1
  7. J. M. Pingarrón 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

  2. 2 Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Madrid, España


Recent progress on electrochemistry at the Iberian Peninsula: proceeding book of the XL Meeting of the Specialized Group of Electrochemistry of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry and the XX Iberian Meeting of Electrochemistry (Huelva, 9th to 12th July 2019)
  1. Mozo, J. D. (coord.)
  2. Mozo-Mulero, C. (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-18280-57-3

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 21-24

Congress: Iberian Meeting of Electrochemistry (20. 2019. Huelva)

Type: Conference paper