Albititas metasomáticas y venas de cuarzo en los leucogranitos de Burguillos del Cerro (España). Modelo de evolución hidrotermal basado en el estudio de inclusiones fluidas.

  1. N. Bachiller 1
  2. E. Quílez 2
  3. C. Casquet 3
  4. C. Galindo 3
  1. 1 Dpto. de Petrología y Geoquímica. Facultad de Geología. UCM. 28040 Madrid. Química Inorgánica y Materiales. Centro CC. Experimentales y Técnicas. Universidad San Pablo-CEU. 28668 Boadilla del Monte. Madrid.
  2. 2 Química Inorgánica y Materiales. Centro CC. Experimentales y Técnicas. Universidad San Pablo-CEU. 28668 Boadilla del Monte. Madrid.
  3. 3 Dpto. de Petrología y Geoquímica. Facultad de Geología. UCM. 28040 Madrid.

ISSN: 0213-683X

Datum der Publikation: 1996

Nummer: 20

Seiten: 1504-1506

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Geogaceta


Slightly peraluminous to metaluminous leucogranites are common as dyke swarms in the Burguillos del Cerro Plutonic Compfex. They show superimposed hydrothermal alterations consisting of quartzrich albitites and Au-bearing quartz veins. Several types of fluid inclusions have been distinguished in the alteration. They belong to the system H2O-NaCI-KCI-MgCl2 -CaCl2 and range from high salinity to low salinity types. In any type, a trend of decreasing salinity concomitant to a decrease of mínimum P and T trapping conditions is found. An evolutive model is proposed consisting in the repetitive mixing of hot saline waters, initially of probable magmatic derivation, with a cold low salinity meteoric fluid, in several discrete episodes of hydrofracturing, under declining regional temperature conditions. Albitites and quartz veins seem to be temporally and genetically related.