Población escolar y alimentación,¿hacia dónde nos dirigimos?

  1. Juana María Anguita Acero
  2. Eduardo López Bertomeo
ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship

ISSN: 2660-6089

Année de publication: 2020

Número: 1

Pages: 4-14

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/ESAMEC.2020.I01.01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship


The current globalization processes that characterize the most developed societies imply high levels of connectivity and the proliferation of interrelationships unimag-inable until now. This process of globalization has generated great social and eco-nomic advances at the international level, and Spain is no exception. Our country has reached high levels of development in recent decades, making Spanish society one of the most advanced in the world. This circumstance is reflected in the country it-self, offering a wide range of possibilities for improving quality of life and well-being. However, the degree of social and economic development also gives rise to situations that hinder full personal development and healthy lifestyles. In this sense, there is no doubt that the rhythms of life, where the work seems to take precedence over the social, and the consequent and growing difficulty in reconciling work and family life, mean that the same society that benefits from high levels of economic development is harmed when it comes to finding time for the development of people’s individuality. In this process of individual development and fulfilment, health plays a fundamental role and, within this, knowledge of one’s own body, regular physical exercise, adequate emotional management and the acquisition of certain eating habits will play a fun-damental role in maintaining healthy levels in our society. Obviously, from a society that finds it difficult to reconcile work and family life, it can be deduced that the great-est sufferers will be children and adolescents with regard to their quality of life. It is true that in developing societies, once children and adolescents have finished their schooling, they engage in a large number of extracurricular activities, whether they be sporting or academic. However, what place does nutritional education occupy in the acquisition of healthy eating habits? What happens with the responsible consumption of food as opposed to impulsive and uncontrolled consumption? In this respect, the latest studies on child nutrition indicate that even today in Spain there is a prevalence of 23.2% of overweight and 18.1% of child obesity, which implies a high risk for the de-velopment of various diseases in the future of school-age children (ALADINO, 2015). In view of these negative data, what measures are being taken by areas as diverse as public administrations, educational centres and families? This paper aims to address the challenges facing society today in terms of nutrition, as well as the real situation of the school-age population from the perspective of their eating habits, also providing coherence to the various proposals arising from educational policy and trying to in-volve the main educational agents, ie, administrations, families and schools. Likewise, the aim is to analyse the importance of the collaboration of the main educational agents in the acquisition of healthy eating styles, as well as to propose educational programmes and actions applicable in the school environment that could provide clar-ity and even guide various projects within the framework of the existing educational institutions in Spain

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