Autoeficacia en reanimación cardiopulmar: Eleboración y validación de escalas de medida

Dirixida por:
  1. Juan Carlos Torre Puente Director
  2. Angeles Blanco Blanco Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 11 de novembro de 2015

  1. Ramón Pérez Juste Presidente/a
  2. Isabel Muñoz San Roque Secretario/a
  3. María Rosa Salas Labayen Vogal
  4. Arturo Galán González Vogal
  5. Paloma Salvadores Fuentes Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Aim. To design and validate a scale of self-efficacy in CPR for health and non-health professionals and appropriate action of two of its main background (performance accomplishment, physiological and affective states associated ). Method: A mixed methodological approach with a qualitative part and a quantitative performed. The qualitative study, from a phenomenological and the theoretical framework of social cognitive theory, has allowed to deep in the perception of professionals from their experiences in CPR to develop the scales. The quantitative research, a descriptive correlational cross-sectional study, has facilitated the psychometric analysis to validate the different scales. The sample of the study was 1400 Spanish health personnel (doctors, nurse and EMTs) with experience in CPR. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 19 software. Results It has a set of scales to assess, in the area of self-efficacy in CPR, the main social cognitive constructs with sufficient guarantees of reliability and validity: general self-efficacy scale CPR: basic CPR and advanced CPR; CPR scale efficacy in specific situations; scale of performance accomplishment; scale of physiological and affective states associated with CPR. It analyzed the relative efficacy of different levels according to some demographic variables such as occupational status, gender, continuing education during the last five years and experience in CPR. Conclusions and involvement in practice: To have a valid and reliable measure is a useful tool to improve the competence of clinical practice in performing CPR, and to design personal training programs for initial and continued learning of CPR. Keywords: Self Efficacy; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; psychological stress; professional competence.