Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic Countries?

  1. Rosa María Fernández Martín 1
  2. Fátima de la Fuente del Moral 2
  3. Pilar Gago de Santos 2
  1. 1 UNED (Spanish National Distance Education University)
  2. 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

1 Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic Countries? . Rosa María Fernández Martín UNED (Spanish National Distance Education University) Fátima de la Fuente del Moral Pilar Gago de Santos Universidad Complutense de Madrid Discipline of Economics Discussion

ISSN: 1459-3696

Any de publicació: 2011

Pàgines: 1.26

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: 1 Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic Countries? . Rosa María Fernández Martín UNED (Spanish National Distance Education University) Fátima de la Fuente del Moral Pilar Gago de Santos Universidad Complutense de Madrid Discipline of Economics Discussion


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) gains special relevance during last years, due tothe modification of the international framework that business must deal with. It isconsidered as a particular business attitude, but from the European Union CSR ispresented as an opportunity for businesses competitiveness at the same time theycontribute to sustainable development, so they try to create a European referenceframework. In this article we will analyze the situation of CSR in several Europeancountries, not only from the point of view of business behaviour, but including thepossible strategies and regulatory or guidance public frameworks of the countriesconsidered, and we will wonder about the convenience or not of the existence of thesecommon frameworks. We will review the different initiatives being developed atinternational level, paying special attention to actions by Northern European countries,which are obtaining very positive results, although still limited.

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