Two Insights into Borders from the Perspective of the Novel

  1. Marta Espinosa Berrocal
  2. Antonio Garrido Domínguez
Rethinking society: individuals, culture and migration
  1. Vladimer Luarsabishvili (ed. lit.)

Publisher: New Vision University Press

ISBN: 978 9941 9692 7 0

Year of publication: 2021

Volume Title: Migration and Society. Literature, Translation, Film

Volume: 2

Pages: 3-21

Type: Book chapter


This paper concerns the concept of the border, one of de main analytical instruments of postcolonial studies, through the analysis and interpretation of two novels that put their focus on Mexico-USA frontier. The most important issue is that there are several meanings associated to this border like, among others, it separates not only two countries but also two ways of life and works as a memorial to those who have been ignored by the official history and excluded from the social contract.