Pro-environmental behaviorthe role of mindfulness in socioemotional and volitional competencies. An examination of individual’s abilities for sustainability transition

  1. Gómez Olmedo, Ana
Supervised by:
  1. Isabel Carrero Bosch Director
  2. Carmen Valor Martínez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2021

  1. Martina G. Gallarza Chair
  2. Amparo Merino de Diego Secretary
  3. Carmen Abril Barrie Committee member
  4. Abel Monfort Committee member
  5. Eleni Papaoikonomou Committee member

Type: Thesis


The environmental problems we are facing have not precedents and yet, individual responsibility has not been sufficiently considered. Although our environmental actions are part of the problem, they are also part of the solution that should lead to behavioural change. However, pro-environmental behaviours (PEB hereafter) are full of intricacies and the key determinants for this so needed behavioural change need to be further explored. Previous studies have called for integrative approaches of promoting these behaviours, linked to rational but also emotional components, as both affect individual decision-making. To this purpose, mindfulness is posited as a promising component to nurture PEB. Mindfulness is described as a quality of mind with nuclear components such as an enhanced awareness through a focus of attention which leads to self-regulation. It can be understood as a trait (MAAT hereafter), state, or intervention although all of them are intertwined. Mindfulness benefits have been proved in many fields, starting from clinical contexts, where it was initially implemented as a practice through the work of Kabat-Zinn. However, in terms of sustainability transitions, there is a lack of theoretical and empirical research on the influence of mindfulness on PEB. Particularly, it is missing a deeper look to how mindfulness can be implemented in education to nurture socioemotional rather than cognitive competencies, given that they may provide students with the interpersonal skills that education for sustainable development (ESD hereafter) is calling for, as well as an empirical exploration of its effects on volitional skills that are central to decision-making processes, such as self-control (SC hereafter) so that they are capable to face the sustainability issues that will encounter in their daily lives. Thus, this thesis aims to bridge these two gaps, exploring socioemotional and volitional competencies to promote PEB. For this purpose, theoretical and empirical work to explain the contribution of these skills is offered. Theoretically, this thesis first gathers the literature around the relationship between mindfulness and PEB (Chapter 1), so that the rationale of this work is better framed, to then collect the outcomes of mindfulness interventions on socioemotional competencies needed for PEB (Chapter 2). The literature review and meta-analysis conducted found that emotional regulation, along with empathy and social connectedness and resilience, are the main socioemotional components nurtured by mindfulness practice. As per the empirical contribution, this thesis offers an incremental examination of antecedents of PEB from a volitional perspective, first by examining the role of SC as an antecedent of PEB (Chapter 3) and then the direct and indirect effect of MAAT mediated by SC (Chapter 4), finding differential effects depending on the influence of external barriers. Therefore, some behaviours, those with lower external barriers, will require more volitional control than others while the incorporation of both, SC and MAAT increase the explained variance of PEB. Finally, a summary of the main conclusions and contribution of this thesis as well as limitations and future lines of research is offered (Chapter 5). By this research, this thesis aims to contribute to the literature of mindfulness, ESD and transformative consumer research so that alternative ways of promoting individual sustainability transitions are offered. It is also hoped that this individual behaviour change will be deployed at institutional and organizational levels so that together, it is possible to work towards a common objective. Additionally, the contribution of this thesis works towards ensuring responsible consumption, the 12th objective of the sustainable development goals stated at the Agenda 2030, by offering an exploration of how mindfulness may influence the acquisition of individual competencies required for a more sustainable lifestyle.