El carácter fundamental del derecho a la pluralidad en los medios de comunicaciónparadigmas para la democratización de la libertad de información

  1. Testa Junior, Washington Luiz
Dirixida por:
  1. José López Hernández Director
  2. Fernando de Brito Alves Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 10 de decembro de 2018

  1. José López Yepes Presidente
  2. Aurelio de Prada García Secretario
  3. Fernando de Brito Alves Vogal

Tipo: Tese


In the complex society or information age, the immaterial values (data, information, knowledge in general) had become the main force of formation and social development, therefore, indispensable to the individual. In this scenario, the media (radio, television and newspapers) have increasingly assume the fundamental role dissemination of information, in the public debates of ideas, in the formation of public opinion, which makes them considered as an indispensable element in the exchange of these immaterial values Our study start from the assumption that the medias, although with important social role, use their communicative power to provide more your own ideological and economic interest than to achieve their ethical duties and constitutional information, what have made us critically investigate about these function's deviation on the exercise of informationactivity. This doctoral thesis, thus, seeks to contribute to a functionmore democratic and more appropriate of the media, through the studyof three political and essentials legal concepts: public opinion, freedom and democracy. The objective of the thesis is, on one hand, to demonstrate that the value essence of these concepts had been diverted in aninformation media activity, on the other hand and from these same concepts, to demonstrate the existence of corrective paradigms of these deviations In order to carry out the identification of these corrective paradigms, this doctoral thesis delimited as results some mechanisms such as: a public opinion that have been formed from citizen participation with decision-making power; the existence of an effective regulatory system through multi-regulation; the finding that the media do an informative public function, therefore, they are submitted on duties that justify its operation, in this case their freedom before a right is a duty; a radio and television program that values facts the subjects of general interest and relevant to the individual as a way to provide a real condition of self-determination; truthfulness in the fact-finding activity; the implantation or extension of the right of collective antenna. Methodologically, we report to the bibliographic reference related to these concepts (as well as others that reflect us in a reflex way), mainly using the deductive reasoning method (since the analysis will start from the general aspects to then accurately and scientifically reach the specificity of the concepts key and related issues, reaching the conclusions.Also, the inductive method (starting from the parties to the conceptual whole, from the particular to the general, in order to obtain an amplitude in the investigation). hypothetico-deductive related to the theory of refutation (a statement will be accepted as long as it survives the refutation).