La frontera del territorio ateniense

  1. Valdés, M.
  2. Plácido Suárez, Domingo
Studia historica. Historia antigua

ISSN: 0213-2052

Argitalpen urtea: 1998

Zenbakien izenburua: Sociedades y fronteras en el Mundo Antiguo

Zenbakia: 16

Orrialdeak: 85-101

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Studia historica. Historia antigua


The objective of this article is to explain the unification process of the Attican territory, known as synoichismos, and the setting of its borders.This phenomenon took place toward the end of the darkage and beginning of archaic period. During this period, the boundaries of the Athens served as the basis for initiating the overall process of unification of Attica, wich in turn transformed the primitive chora into another comprising all of Attica and which was the point of union of its different poleis.