Notas críticas a la presentación usual hoy del reino de Dios según Jesús de Nazaret
ISSN: 1135-4712, 1988-3269
Año de publicación: 2012
Número: 17
Páginas: 119-147
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Ilu. Revista de ciencias de las religiones
This is a critical assessment of today presentations of Jesus of Nazareth� Kingdom of God in so-called historical-exegetical books. Three of them are selected for a minute criticism. It follows a brief exegesis of all then important Gospel texts about the Kingdom of God as a «future event» or as «present» and «already come» in Jesus ministry. After a close scrutiny, only one Gospel passage (Luke 17:20-21) can be used with some doubts for sustaining that Jesus has proclaimed a Kingdom of God already present. The article concludes with a brief exposition of the conceptions of the historical Jesus view about the Kingdom, and some consequences for the modern transpositions of his view.
Referencias bibliográficas
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