Cautivos y galeotes también reclamaban.

  1. Luis Gil Fernández
Erytheia: Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos

ISSN: 0213-1986

Année de publication: 2020

Número: 41

Pages: 211-224

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Erytheia: Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos


Two documents from the General Archives of Simancas, both not foliated, one from Constantinople (November, 1579) and the other from Naples (1-VII-1617), convey the protest of groups deprived of the right to complain. The first (AGS E 491 n.f.) is a general power of attorney granted by eleven Spanish captives, slaves of Uluç Ali in the baths of Beşiktaş, to act against Giovanni Margliani, who diverted in favour of his Italian compatriots the founds received from Philip II to rescue Spanish captives. In the second one (AGS E 263 n.f.) a convict galley oarsman begs Philip III through the Secretary of State Antonio de Aróstegui to be transferred from his galley to a prison. In exchange, he offers to recover one million in less than a month for the royal treasury, given the proliferation of frauds at the time. The text raises the possible existence of a Neapolitan proto-camorra that could deal on an equal footing with the viceregal authorities.

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