Estrategias de desarrollo social y económico de Librilla a través de su patrimoniopropuesta de creación de un centro cultural en la posada del marqués de Villafranca

  1. Barquero Caballero, Fernando Jose
Dirixida por:
  1. María Concepción de la Peña Velasco Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 de febreiro de 2021

  1. Germán Antonio Ramallo Asensio Presidente/a
  2. David Navarro Moreno Secretario/a
  3. Mercedes Replinger González Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Our heritage is all around us, an essential part of our past reaching into the present. Useful for our future, as it is key to understand our features as a society, it enables us to rethink our past and look into the future, as a community. All peoples keep, to a lesser or greater extent, manifestations of their heritage. The knowledge, dissemination and conservation of these resources can be an important factor in the cultural and economic revitalization. This doctoral thesis aims to investigate the diversity of the heritage of the town of Librilla, a small town of about 5,300 inhabitants, located in the valley of the Guadalentín river in the Region of Murcia, a strategic place for the settlements of different cultures and historically linked to the Fajardo family (Marquises de los Vélez). The town owns the charter of settlement 1327 conceded by Alfonso Pérez, despensero mayor Don Juan Manuel. The derelict XVIIIth Posada del marqués de Villafranca private building is proposed as a cultural center to articulate a discourse in which the most significant testimonies of its history are collected, starting from the uniqueness of the enclave and the origins of the urban settlements in the environment. The research on Librilla's heritage is based on documentary tracking, field work with the use of oral sources and knowing what assets the locality has in order to try to understand how the identity of the Librillanos/as has been forged. In this sense, it is worth highlighting the natural (Barranco de Gebas and Barranco del Infierno), paleontological (Sifón de Librilla), archaeological (El Castellar and El Salitre), hydraulic (cisterns, laundries, mouths, etc.), furniture (Islamic Castle , Posada, Casa Méndez, Caserón del Marqués de Camachos, etc.), property (Gate of the Parish Church of San Bartolomé and Heraldic shield of the Posada) and immaterial heritage (highlighting Las Pitanzas), disappeared traditions such as auroros, favores and rondallas and techniques of trades such as miller, plasterer and others. Objects (old agricultural tools) and unpublished records have been recovered (photograph of the disappeared sculpture of Cristo de la Columna, by Salzillo or the draft of the old regulations of the irrigation system of the Fuente Librilla water inheritance). The research is structured in three parts: Investigation of the heritage of Librilla, approach of the cultural center considering the cultural needs of the town population and choosing the place in the old Posada del Marqués de Villafranca and the third has consisted of planning a project museum for the center.