La necesidad hipotética del sobrenatural

  1. Maestre Sánchez, Alfonso
Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía

ISSN: 0211-2337

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 25

Pages: 501-538

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía


The humanism is something necessary in the Philosophy, and the history of the Philosophy teaches us that the person is very important point of her reflection. Some philosophers don't consider the man from a merely speculative environment, but from a practice vision, as soon as that the man, as person, is not another thing that total activity of the spirit. With the natural terms and spirit is only sought to make a distinction, at least of principle, with what we denominate the Supernatural thing. The Philosophy has to think about the end of the human practice, and it should admit that if this arrives until its last possibilities, he/she must face or with he/she Swims her, locating us then on the edge of the absurd thing, or with the Being, rising to the confines of the Supernatural one. This last possibility is the one that finds a fair motivation in the Philosophy.