Síntesis transversal de la «filosofía» de Heráclito (Sobre la controversia del "Payta rei" del "Pir" y del "aogods"

  1. Maestre Sánchez, Alfonso
Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía

ISSN: 0211-2337

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 26

Pages: 7-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía


We find the work of Heráclito and Parménides unknown in their integrity. However, few philosophers have been so commented as them. But this -diverse and contradictory critic - of the fragments of their A,DÂ MbF,TH and of their Poem, respectively, instead of clarifying, it has been good to hide even more their genuine philosophical reflections, because many of these writings have either been used to praise Heráclito or Parménides, either to criticize them and to oppose them, or to justify spurious interests. This work turns on the controversies of the B�<J" Õ,Ã, of the BØD and of the 8Ï(@H according to the thought of the philosopher of Éfeso, leaving for another occasion the interpretations of the doctrine of the philosopher of Elea on the �8Zhg4" and of the *`>", noticing that [he/she] will always think about the problem of the doubt regarding the authenticity or falsehood, order and it structures of its fragments like source.