Los términos médicos de "El Quijote"

  1. Pedro R. García Barreno
Boletín de la Real Academia Española

ISSN: 0210-4822

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Liburukia: 96

Koadernoa: 313

Orrialdeak: 145-169

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Boletín de la Real Academia Española


Literature is a form of expression whose temporal structure, both in content and style, provides a historial record of the evolution of culturae. In this work we try a shy and starting take on a quantitative analysis of a classic of its kind. The analysis of literatura typically involves the aggregation of information on several levels, ranging from words to sentences and even larger scale properties of temporal narratives such as structure, plot, and the use of irony and metaphor. By analizing the growth, change, and decline of published words over centuries, the mathematician argued, it should be posible to rigorously study the evolution of cultura on a grand scale. Analysis of the n-gram database can also reveal patterns that have escaped the attention of historians. This is a wake-up call to humanities that there is a new style of research that can comlement the traditional styles. The emerging field of culturomics seeks to explore broad cultural trends through the computerized analysis of vast digital book archives, offering novel insights into the functioning of human society.

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