Angustia y humor en figuraciones finiseculares de diosas y rameras

  1. Víctor Lope Salvador 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España


Trama y fondo: revista de cultura

ISSN: 1137-4802

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Titel der Ausgabe: Las infinitas formas de la Diosa

Nummer: 40

Seiten: 101-111

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Trama y fondo: revista de cultura


Throughout the 19thCentury the transformations in the field of mythology characterised essentially by two phenomena: the God's death and the revitalisation of the pre-Christian goddesses in their seductive and malefic forms overall. The representation of the ambivalence regarding the feminine is linked to the masculine anxiety. Anxiety which refers to the insecurities with regard to the sense-nonsense of the subject's experience in a world that is transforming very fast. This anxiety has also a humoristic manifestation which is eloquently shown in the exhibitions that the artists' group The Incoherents made in Paris between 1882 and 1893