El Ulises de Dante y el de Homero

  1. Carlos López Cortezo
Tenzone: revista de la Asociación Complutense de Dantología

ISSN: 1576-9216

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 13

Pages: 99-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Tenzone: revista de la Asociación Complutense de Dantología


In the first part of the article, the narrative of Dante’s Ulysses (If. XXVI, 90-142) and Tiresias prophecy about the Homeric hero’s death (the Odyssey XI, 100-137) are contrasted, making clear certain important inter-textual coincidences which lead us to think that Dante recreates the death of his character with this episode of the Odyssey in the background. In the second part, and also referring to the meaning of Dante’s Ulysses, the femmina balba (Pg. XIX, 19-24) speech is contrasted with Cicero’s translation and reading of the famous Homeric sirens episode (De finibus V, 18, 48-49).