Teotihuacanos y mayas en la “entrada” de 11 Eb’ (378 d.C.)nuevos datos de Naachtun, Petén, Guatemala

  1. Nondédéo, Philippe 1
  2. Lacadena García Gallo, Alfonso 2
  3. Cases Martín, Juan Ignacio 3
  1. 1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    París, Francia

    ROR https://ror.org/02feahw73

  2. 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

  3. 3 Stanford University

    Stanford University

    Stanford, Estados Unidos

    ROR https://ror.org/00f54p054

Revista española de antropología americana

ISSN: 0556-6533

Any de publicació: 2019

Títol de l'exemplar: En memoria de Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo (2019)

Número: 49

Pàgines: 53-75

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REAA.64960 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista española de antropología americana


Ever since the middle of the twentieth century, when archaeological remains showed the presence of Teotihuacan features in the Maya area, the understanding of the nature of such features has been the object of a long and vigorous debate. Nearly twenty years ago, David Stuart, following the seminal work of Tatiana Proskouriakoff, suggested on the basis of new readings and interpretations of the epigraphic texts available at the time, that one of the most important episodes of the complex interaction between Teotihuacan and the Maya area adopted the form of a military conquest that took place on 11 Eb’ 15 Mak (AD 378). The new epigraphic record of monuments from Naachtun, Peten, Guatemala, within the archaeological excavations of the French-Guatemalan Project, offers new data on the characteristics of the «Entrada» of 11 Eb’, corroborating its absolute military nature. It suggests first, the participation of Maya kingdoms alongside Teotihuacan in this important historical event –among them the Suutz’ kingdom (Bat kingdom) established in Naachtun– and second that this event must be considered not as a punctual one but as the culmination of a complex planned process. In this paper, we also detail how this alliance with Teotihuacan and later with Tikal’s new dynasty, boosted the sociopolitical growth of Naachtun.

Informació de finançament

El Proyecto Naachtun (2010-2018) recibe su financiaci?n del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Francia, del CNRS, de la Fundaci?n Pacunam, de la Compa??a Perenco, del LabEx DynamiTe y de la Fundaci?n Cino Del Duca. Forma parte de las actividades del CEMCA en Am?rica Central, y sus trabajos de campo fueron realizados bajo autorizaci?n del Instituto de Antropolog?a e Historia (IDAEH) de Guatemala. Agradecemos tambi?n todos los miembros del Proyecto Naachtun, as? como todos los trabajadores de las comunidades de Uaxactun y de La Libertad por su contribuci?n.

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